Diggy Simmons Releases Videos For “Text Me” + “Goin”

After taking a moment to celebrate his impending second season on ABC’s Grownish, Diggy Simmons has returned with not one but TWO VIDEOS from his sophomore project.

Friday, May 31st — Los Angeles, CA — Diggy Simmons is on a roll. Not only did he release his first project in nearly a decade but he completed his first season as a full-time cast-member on ABC’s Grownish. Today Diggy brings a revisionist approach to blackness with emotionally charged visual that show the dichotomy of both loving someone and black boy joy. Watch both videos below:

Lighten Up was released at the end of 2019 and has amassed over 10 million streams worldwide to date. Following the mixtapes release, “Text Me” and “Goin” were stand out tracks because they delivered something personal and authentically Diggy. With little to no influence from outside sources, these records served as a lead-in for what promises to be an incredible 2019 for Simmons.
Both videos are cinematic in prose, and feature idioms of culture and extend warmth well-beyond what you would presume the 23-year-old rapper would comprehend. This isDiggy’s world and we’re just living it.
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